Ucertify.com PMP Course

uCertify.com is a website dedicated to assiting you in preparing for taking certification tests.  When you first login, you are met with nearly every possible professional technical exam.  Some examples are Microsfot, Oracle, CompTIA, IIBA, Cisco, Adobe, and PMI.

We all are already geared to studying for exams from our built-in 12 years of schooling, and then some for those who go on to college.  Once you graduate and work in the world for a while, the beneift of that process is somewhat lost when learning new things.  We don’t learn as much, as timely, or as well without that famlar curriculum schedule and deadlines.

I remember going back to school to finish my degree and actually, probably becuase I was an adult, enjoying the studying, self challenging, exam process as well as the team collaboration that enhanced learning and success.

uCcertify is a way to recapture that successful process of study and prep, flash cards and quizzes, making for a familar and pleasant experience.

I see another benefit to uCerify in that you can take a course in an unfamilar subject to see how involved it might be before you invest futher down a new path. As a website PM or business analyst you might think, “maybe I should try something involving Cisco and infrastructure engineering“? uCertify might be one of the ways you determine if you really want to switch to a particualr area of techonogy.

Similarly, the PMP test by PMI is over $900.  Not something you want to just “try and see if you pass” unless you have money to blow which most of us do not.  uCerfity can assist with getting your more compfortable with the attempt and the risk.

Next I will walk you through uCertify and my PMP course experience.